Sign: Punish Couple Who Neglected Estimated 90 Dogs – Woman Is A Repeat Offender!

Published: August 19, 2020 at 02:03 PM Author: PENNY EIMS

Holmes County, Florida – In August, an estimated 90 dogs were found living in squalor on property in Holmes County, Florida. The sheriff’s office arrested 55-year-old Ferrell D. Godfrey and 60-year-old Marianne L. Godfrey at 1478 Peak Road – Marianne Godfrey is a repeat offender!

In 2011, Marianne Godfrey was arrested after more than 200 animals were discovered in Gordon, Alabama. The animals were part of Dirty Sally’s Pet Pals, which claimed to be a non-profit agency operating to help animals get adopted. Godfrey’s 2011 charge was just a misdemeanor – and here she is again in 2019, arrested for animal cruelty after dozens of dogs were found living in squalor.

The Holmes County Sheriff’s Office stated that dogs were found chained to trees or crammed into an outside pen without access to food or water. Many of the dogs were malnourished and/or seriously injured and plagued with injuries and untreated wounds. The dogs in the Godfreys’ “care” were suffering and this couple must pay for their crime.

Join us in asking Holmes County officials to provide a strong enough sentence that the Godfreys will cease their deplorable behavior.

Please sign the petition – let officials know that this behavior is NOT okay.

Update 05/18/2020: Read Our Letter Here

Update 11/08/2021: Animal Victory has learned that this case has been concluded. The Godfreys will serve a period of probation, pay court costs, and $10,000 in restitution; they will not be allowed to own more than three dogs. Animal Victory is disappointed in this outcome, but we want to thank everyone who supported this petition and helped give a voice to these dogs.

Update 6/28/2021: Animal Victory has learned that the next trial date is scheduled for August 18, 2021.

Update 5/14/2021: Both defendants have been sent a notice to appear and are scheduled for June 16, 2021.

Update 3/5/2021: Animal Victory has been informed that the felony pretrial was moved to April 21, 2021.

Update 1/26/2021: Both defendants, Marianne L and Ferrell D Godfrey, go back to court on Feb. 17, 2021. Main courtroom C, with Judge Timothy Registar;  their Attorney is David Thomas, and the cases will be heard at 1300 &1500 hours. Felony Pretrial

Update 12/4/2020: They now have a defense attorney, and pre-trial is set for Jan. 20 for both Marianne and Ferrell Godfrey.

Update 10/20/2020: Read our letter to Prosecutor Brandon Young here

Update 10/12/2020:  Ferrell D. Godfrey and Marianne L. Godfrey are facing 97 counts each of cruelty to animals/ cause cruel death pain and suffering to animals. Because of Covid-19, court has been continued until October 21, 2020. Please continue to sign and share the petition. We need as many signatures as possible!

Update 05/18/2020: Read Our Letter Here

* Individuals are presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.

Prior Signatures 15,790