Sign: Hold Florida Cat Killer Accountable For Evil Acts Causing Extreme Suffering

Published: September 20, 2023 at 03:49 AM Author: PENNY EIMS

Hillsborough County, FL – A Florida man is accused of shooting multiple cats in a Town ‘N’ Country community with a pellet gun. The shootings resulted in multiple deaths and caused immense suffering to innocent cats who were doing nothing deserving of the man’s wrath.

The Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Office has identified Osvaldo Aloma Garrido, 65, as the man responsible for harming cats living in the Three Lakes Mobile Home Park community.

Seven defenseless cats were shot in the community; one cat had to have a leg amputated, and three cats suffered fatal injuries.

The shootings took place in late 2022 and these heinous acts of cruelty were brought to the attention of Animal Victory earlier this week by a Florida attorney who is disgusted by Garrido’s appalling acts.

“I wish to draw your attention to an upcoming felony trial of (redacted), Osvaldo Aloma Garrido, in Hillsborough 22-CF-016183. This monster lived in a mobile home community and started shooting the community cats in the neighborhood with a pellet rifle, Killing and severely maiming several of them. Unfortunately, due to evidence limitations, this monster was only charged with maiming one of the cats. Would your organization be willing to help spread the word? This case is more egregious than the Jaimes case in the sheer amount and number of cats killed and injured. Would you be willing to help?”

The local authorities are also disgusted by Garrido’s actions.

In a press release, Sheriff Chad Chronister said:

“I will not tolerate any act of animal cruelty in our county. The suspect had no regard for the animals he injured and admitted to firing shots on various occasions. It’s disheartening to know that there are individuals who intentionally harm animals. We will not condone violence against any animal and we will continue to make sure that individuals who commit these crimes are held accountable.”

Kathryn Barnes, a resident who helps care for the homeless cats in the community, expressed dismay, telling Fox 13, “What kind of person does this to an animal?

Barnes is heartbroken by the sheer number of cats this man has maimed:

“It breaks my heart. I want to cry, but I can’t cry anymore, but there is no point. It’s senseless to even think that with so many cats being hurt, it has become a blur of cats that have died or are injured.”

Evidence limitations resulted in this man being charged for maiming just ONE of the cats he shot; he is charged with one count of Aggravated Cruelty to Animals With a Weapon, and his trial is set for October 17, 2023. Please add your name to the petition to help put Garrido behind bars for as long as possible! He absolutely MUST be held accountable for his barbaric acts of cruelty.

We the undersigned demand that Osvaldo Aloma Garrido face the maximum punishment for any charges stemming from shooting numerous cats in the 3 Lakes Mobile Home community. Garrido clearly had no regard for the lives of these innocent cats and he must be held accountable for the pain and suffering he inflicted on them. This petition acts as our collective endorsement for the maximum penalty allowed by law in the case of the STATE OF FLORIDA -VS- OSVALDO ALOMA GARRIDO.

Individuals are presumed innocent until found guilty in a court of law. Animal Victory relies upon the authorities and the court system to determine guilt or innocence.


Press Release

Fox 13 News

Fox 13 News (prior coverage)

Update 3/25/2024: Animal Victory sent petition to the judge and DA with additional signatures. 

Update 3/18/2024: Pre-trial is scheduled for 04/16/2024 at 9:00 a.m. in Courtroom 18, 401 North Jefferson, Tampa, FL. The jury trial is scheduled for 4/23/2024 at 8:00, Courtroom 18, 401 North Jefferson. There are to be no more continuances in this case. Judicial officer: Barbara Twine Thomas.

Update 10/19/2023: Case #22-CF-016183 – Pre-Trial Rescheduled to 02-06-2024 Courtroom 18, 9:00 a.m E.S.T. 401 N. Jefferson Street, Tampa, FL. 33602. Jury Trial Rescheduled to 02-13-2024, 8:00 a.m. E.S.T., 401 North Jefferson Street, Tampa, FL. 33602. The petition has been sent to the attorney and judge. 

Prior signatures: 16,895

Hold Florida Cat Killer Accountable For Evil Acts Causing Extreme Suffering

4,588 signatures = 23% of goal

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Latest Signatures
4,588 Beth C. 0 Jul 17, 2024
4,587 Nathan J. This is horrible i don't understand how this has not been handled and am happy you are trying to do something 0 Jul 16, 2024
4,586 Nadilen I. This is a serious problem if someone can kill that many innocent animals just think about how many people they will kill 0 Jul 15, 2024
4,585 Violet W. 0 Jul 14, 2024
4,584 Ulrich S. 0 Jul 10, 2024
4,583 Ingrid F. 0 Jul 09, 2024
4,582 Sherry B. 0 Jul 03, 2024
4,581Anonymous 0 Jun 28, 2024
4,580 Chrissy K. Disgusting Evil Subhuman 0 Jun 23, 2024
4,579 Lillian F. 0 Jun 19, 2024
4,578Anonymous 0 Jun 17, 2024
4,577Anonymous Piece of shit. 0 Jun 16, 2024
4,576 Chris V. 0 Jun 15, 2024
4,575 Tammy S. 0 Jun 14, 2024
4,574Anonymous 0 Jun 12, 2024
4,573 Kristy B. 0 Jun 06, 2024
4,572 Jonathan S. Guns are used for defense of self, not for hurting animals that can't fight back from a coward using a gun to compensate for his tiny peepee. 0 Jun 04, 2024
4,571 Jack L. This is brutal. This guy should be hit with a felony and put behind bars for the maximum allowed by law. 0 Jun 03, 2024
4,570 Wendy F. 0 Jun 02, 2024
4,569 luke A. 0 Jun 01, 2024
4,568 ANNE-MARIE S. 0 May 29, 2024
4,567Anonymous Do the same to him 0 May 20, 2024
4,566 Samantha H. 0 May 19, 2024
4,565 Paul B. 0 May 15, 2024
4,564Anonymous 0 May 15, 2024
4,563 Ulrich S. May 11, 2024
4,562 Rosemary W. May 10, 2024
4,561 Ron S. What can we do for prevention and get a maximum sentence!!??!! May 10, 2024
4,560Anonymous May 06, 2024
4,559 Jill H. May 05, 2024
4,558 Crystal T. May 04, 2024
4,557Anonymous May 03, 2024
4,556 tina r. May 02, 2024
4,555 Amy Z. I hope this man goes to prison for a very long time. I hope that he has to answer to What he has done. I hope he rots in prison. May 01, 2024
4,554 Ania Zoe S. Poor Miezen 😥😔 Diesem kranken Bastardo Tierquäler-Mörder gehört die Todesstrafe 👹👿 Apr 28, 2024
4,553 Sammie H. Apr 28, 2024
4,552 Gayne W. Apr 27, 2024
4,551Anonymous Apr 25, 2024
4,550Anonymous Apr 25, 2024
4,549Anonymous Tenemos que cuidar nuestros animales y quererlos Apr 25, 2024
4,548 Maitee A. La crueldad animal y abuso animal es algo imperdonable, es un abusador y debe tener la pena máxima por abusar y matar a inofensivos gatitos, ellos que no tienen como defenderse LA PENA MÁXIMA PARA El !!!! Apr 25, 2024
4,547 Danay G. Apr 24, 2024
4,546 Claudia F. Apr 24, 2024
4,545Anonymous Apr 24, 2024
4,544 Gissela S. Apr 24, 2024
4,543 MURIEL S. Que crueldad ojalá pague por tanta maldad, mereces que le disparé con esa misma pistola para ver qué se siente, ojalá no vuelva a salir de la cárcel que le caiga el pesó de la ley , Apr 24, 2024
4,542 Yasmin S. I fix and neuter a lot of cats in my community (carefree village) and the cats deserve to be respected, a person who hurt an animal is more than capable to hurt a person Apr 24, 2024
4,541Anonymous Apr 24, 2024
4,540Anonymous Apr 24, 2024
4,539 Joannie R. Apr 18, 2024