Punish Woman Who Starved Dog To The Brink Of Death

Published: February 06, 2020 at 12:26 PM Author: PENNY EIMS

Wisconsin – On November 1, a dog, starved to the very brink of death, was found and brought to Wisconsin’s Dunn County Humane Society. The skeletal dog, dubbed Gabriel, has been steadily putting on weight thanks to the care that he is receiving at the animal welfare agency.

The authorities immediately instigated an investigation to find out who was responsible for Gabriel’s dismal condition, and on November 11, a press release from the animal shelter and the Boyceville Police Department notified those following the case that an arrest had been made.

The person identified as being responsible for Gabriel’s pitiful condition is 29-year-old Anne Marie Iehl – the woman who claimed to have found Gabriel as a stray, but who was, in fact, the person who was determined to be the emaciated dog’s owner. Iehl is facing charges for not providing food and drink to an animal and intentional mistreatment of an animal resulting in disfigurement, which is a felony.

Please join us in asking for the Dunn County Prosecutor to push for jail time for this woman. Gabriel nearly died under Iehl’s “care” and she must pay for the suffering that she subjected him to!

When Gabriel was first found, he was merely skin and bones – his body was completely wasted and he was too weak to stand. It goes without saying that he suffered for a long period of time. Iehl claims that she provided this dog with daily care, but Gabriel’s body tells a different story.

He was near death when he was taken in at the animal shelter – and in the short period of time that he has been under their care, he has been steadily gaining weight and getting stronger. With Iehl, he was obviously denied the very most basic of care that he needed and nearly died as a result.

Your signatures will be presented to the Dunn County Prosecuting Attorney. We don’t want this woman to get a plea deal – we want her to be sentenced to significant jail time!

Update 8/5/2021: Animal Victory has received the results of the sentencing:

Court orders
Count 1:
– Sentence withheld, 2 years probation
– 1-year conditional jail – stayed

This means that the defendant was simply placed on probation, and advised by the court at the time of sentencing that the sentence was withheld. For example, the defendant was put on probation for 2 years. Again, the defendant does not sit any time in jail unless she is revoked.

– Not to possess any animals for 5 years, pursuant to state statute 951.18(4)(c)
– Complete 50 hours of community service
– $268 CC + $250 DNA = $518
– Submit DNA sample
– 0 days credit if revoked
Count 2:
– Sentence withheld, 1 year probation, concurrent to Count 1
– $243 CC + $200 DNA = $443
– Submit DNA sample
– 0 days credit if revoked

Update 6/1/2021: Animal Victory is thrilled to learn that a jury found the defendant guilty of all charges. Sentencing has been scheduled for July 27. We will keep you posted. Thank you to everyone who has signed the petition!

UPDATE 12.4.19:  Read our letter here to authorities

* Individuals are presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.

Prior Signatures 4,723