Dog Found In Dumpster At City Incinerator Facility – Find Whoever Is Responsible!

Published: March 23, 2020 at 05:58 AM Author: PENNY EIMS

Baltimore, Maryland – A dog is lucky to be alive after someone threw him away like trash. The dog, dubbed Donut, was found on Monday after he fell an estimated 30 feet from a dumpster at the Baltimore, Maryland, trash incinerator facility. If not for an astute front-end loader operator, Donut would have died in the piles of trash surrounding him.

The purpose of this petition is to find the person responsible for throwing this dog away like trash! When and if that person is found, your signatures will be presented to the prosecutor with a request for severe punishment.

Donut is recuperating at the BARCS Animal Facility. The animal welfare agency reports that Donut has severe injuries on his front legs and multiple cuts and puncture wounds on his body. BARCS stated:

Donut was rushed to BARCS where our veterinarian team examined him. It was clear that Donut not only went through the terrifying events of the morning and whatever led up to him being in that dumpster but that he had also been lacking care for quite some time.

Despite the severity of Donut’s wounds, he still seeks out comfort and kindness from the people that he has been in contact with. Nobody knows what led to him being discarded in the dumpster, but investigators are hoping to find answers. Baltimore City Animal Control requests that tips be phoned to the Animal Abuse Unit at 443-681-0101.

Your signatures will be collected and presented to the prosecutor when and if someone is arrested for this disturbing case.

Update 3/25/2020: BARCS Animal Shelter has provided a heartwarming update about this abused and discarded dog. The animal welfare agency writes:

Donut is now recovering in foster care. He is with one of most experienced fosters who has cared for many Franky Fund cases. He had X-rays last week that his broken leg is healing well, but will still need to be in a splint. In addition, the wounds under Donut’s splint are looking much better. Donut will need an X-ray again in a few weeks, and we will continue to share updates as he progresses. Donut’s foster mom reports that he loves wearing pajamas to help cover his healing wounds and watching Animal Planet is his favorite “be calm” activity.

Donut was able to receive treatment thanks to the Franky Funds – learn more here.

05/11/2020Read our letter to BARCS here

* Individuals are presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.

Prior Signatures 8,723