Youth Abused Dog On Video And Dog Is Now Back With Family – Justice For Bella!

Published: July 23, 2020 at 06:22 AM Author: PENNY EIMS

Houston, Texas – A beautiful German shepherd named Bella has been abused by an underage boy in Houston, Texas. Video footage captured the abusive behavior, and the dog was seized from her family.

Despite the damning evidence, Bella is back with her abuser! We are petitioning the authorities to remove Bella, and any other animals, from this family. The video evidence was enough for the authorities to take action initially, but now this innocent dog has been returned to the people who hurt her and this is unacceptable!

Another video has surfaced showing what is believed to be the same boy, abusing a cat – the video shows the cat being violently hit in the face. It is unclear if this cat lives in the same household as Bella. Clearly something MUST be done to stop this boy from his abusive behavior!!

Please stand with us as we ask Houston officials to remove Bella from this household and ban the family from ever owning animals again!

The video footage is difficult to watch. A boy can be seen holding Bella up against a wall, yelling in her face, and hitting her head. The abuse is being video taped and nobody intervenes on Bella’s behalf. This behavior is frightening and appalling. What is happening when the camera is not recording?

The troubling video was circulated widely on social media in late June and after being submitted to the authorities, Bella was seized. It was reported that the boy in the video would be facing charges – but justice for Bella appears to have fallen flat. On June 27, information was released that the investigators found “no proof” of abuse, and Bella was sent back to her home.

Please sign the petition – it is imperative that the authorities know that we care about these victims of cruelty. A letter and your signatures (along with your comments) will be sent to Investigator Fesperman of the Animal Cruelty Unit at the 5th Precinct. We want all animals removed from this household and we want the family to be prohibited from owning pets in the future!

Update 7/20/2020: We have sent 36,944 signatures and comments to District Attorney Brian Middleton and District Attorney Tyra McCollum to be forwarded to Texas Child Protective Services. Read our letter here.

Update 7/02/2020: We have sent 32,885 signatures and comments to District Attorney Brian Middleton and District Attorney Tyra McCollum asking for them to consider this as an animal abuse situation so Bella can possibly legally be removed from her home.

Update 7/01/2020: The case has been handed over to two District Attorneys (Ray Cordes and Brian Middleton). We are continuing to send the petition, with updated signature counts, to county officials and we are also sending it to Child Protective Services, which we have learned is investigating.

Read our letter to DA Brian Middleton   

Read our letter to DA Roy Cordes here

Update 6/30/2020: We have sent 24,023 signatures to the office of Wayne K. Thompson today.

Update 6/29/2020: Read our letter to the investigator here along with over 16,000 signatures

Wayne K. Thompson, the Constable, has acknowledged our petition and letter. We will update everyone with information as soon as it becomes available.  

* Individuals are presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.

Prior Signatures 37,801