Woman Locked Her Dog In The Car As Punishment And He Suffered A Horrible Death

Published: August 19, 2021 at 05:22 PM Author: PENNY EIMS

Sandusky, OH-A 58-year-old Sandusky, Ohio, woman is facing a felony animal cruelty charge after locking her dog inside of a car in early August as “punishment.” The dog, named Chapo, suffered a miserable death from the heat.

Sandusky Police arrested Mouheb Ashakih on August 7, at her Perry Street home, after finding Chapo dead in the backseat of her Toyota Camry.

Ashakih’s neighbor confronted her about putting the dog in the car and her response was, “I don’t care, mind your own business I want him to die!”


The neighbor told the police that he saw Ashakih place her pit bull inside of the car and roll up the windows – he then saw the dog frantically trying to claw his way out of the car.

Death by heatstroke is not quick, or painless. Dogs can suffer seizures, tremors, increased heart rate, vomiting, diarrhea, dizziness, and delirium. Chapo undoubtedly suffered horribly before collapsing in the backseat of the Toyota.

When the police arrived, they could see the dog collapsed in the rear of the car. The police report describes what was observed after the window of the car was broken out:

After opening the door through the broken window, the dog was observed to not be breathing and showed no signs of life. I carefully shook the dog and noticed him to be stiff and very hot to the touch. There was also a very hot burst of air released from the interior of the vehicle when the window was shattered and the door was opened – considerably more hot than the temperature outside. The vehicle’s interior was observed to be destroyed and covered in blood, which indicates the dog was struggling and attempting to exit the vehicle. The dog’s paws were also observed to have lacerations and were covered in blood, as if he was attempting to scratch/dig his way out.


Chapo’s body was removed from the car and taken to the dog warden’s office, pending the investigation. Officers also removed a two-year-old dog, and two six-month-old puppies from Ashakih’s home. The dogs were taken to a shelter and Ashakih was booked into the Erie County Jail.

Please sign the petition as we push to have court officials give Mouheb Ashakih the maximum sentence allowable by law for what she did to Chapo. She caused this dog extraordinary suffering, and by her own words, she intended for him to die. We will also be asking the court to forbid Ashakih from reclaiming the dogs that were seized, as well as requesting that she be denied the ability to own pets in the future.

PETITION LETTER to Prosecutor Tischler

Update 3/18/2024: Mouheb Ashakih is still on the run.

Update 8/1/2022: The warrant remains active. 

Update 7/2/2022: This case is still open with an active warrant since March of 2022. The defendant still cannot be found. Case Details – CourtView Justice Solutions

Update 4/18/2022: Animal Victory has learned that the suspect failed to report to the court and has still not been located.

Update 01/11/2022: Animal Victory has learned that the next court date has still not been scheduled since the pretrial on 11/9/2021. Please continue to sign the petition.

Update 11/30/2021: Animal Victory has learned that the case was bound over to Erie County from Sandusky Municipal. The new case number is 2021 CR 0451.

Update 11/8/2021: Animal Victory has sent 20,231 signatures to the Grand Jury Assistant Prosecutor, Jessica Paule, and the Chief Assistant Criminal Prosecutor, Paulette Lilly.  

Update 11/4/2021: Pretrial is scheduled for 11/09/2021. Support for this case is still needed; please sign and share if you haven’t already!

On November 4, Animal Victory received the following correspondence from the city attorney’s office:

Thank you for reaching out to me. This case is currently pending in Sandusky Municipal Court but will not remain here. The case will be bound over to Common Pleas Court to be presented to a Grand Jury. I will forward your concerns to the Grand Jury Assistant Prosecutor, Jessica Paule, and the Chief Assistant Criminal Prosecutor, Paulette Lilly. Believe me when I say that we are treating this matter with the utmost seriousness in the City of Sandusky Law Department and I am sure the same will occur once the case reaches the Erie County Prosecutor’s Office. Your input is very valuable and I appreciate your concerns. Thank you again for contacting me.

City Prosecutor Lynne Gastking

Update 9/16/2021: Animal Victory has learned that the case is set for preliminary on 10/28/2021 @ 10:15 a.m. and that Ashakih’s attorney has entered a plea of not guilty.





Police Report


Prior Signatures 22,083

Woman Locked Her Dog In The Car As Punishment And He Suffered A Horrible Death

1,395 signatures = 7% of goal

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Latest Signatures
1,395 Jimena Florencia D. 0 Aug 29, 2024
1,394 Carol P. 0 Aug 07, 2024
1,393 Lisa F. 0 Aug 07, 2024
1,392 Carol P. 0 Aug 07, 2024
1,391 Allan R. 0 Jul 16, 2024
1,390 Lisa D. 0 Jul 12, 2024
1,389 George M. 0 Jul 07, 2024
1,388 Loula C. 0 Jul 07, 2024
1,387 Patrease D. 0 Jun 19, 2024
1,386 Nina C. 0 Jun 08, 2024
1,385 Lynn C. 0 Jun 07, 2024
1,384 luke A. 0 Jun 02, 2024
1,383 Wendy F. 0 Jun 02, 2024
1,382 Laura B. Kill this maggot BITCH 0 May 28, 2024
1,381 Tanya M. We have to find this bitch & make her pay! 0 May 27, 2024
1,380 Samantha H. 0 May 19, 2024
1,379 val v. Mouheb Ashakih is a cruel black piece of shit and she must bleed! 0 May 16, 2024
1,378 lina v. Do everything you can to find that scumbag Mouheb Ashakih and kill that ugly devil! 0 May 16, 2024
1,377 alexandra v. Mouheb Ashakih is a devil and she deserves to burn in hell ASAP!!!! Please find her and make her bleed! 0 May 16, 2024
1,376 Valentina V. Mouheb Ashakih must die! This poor dog deserves justice and that evil ugly woman deserves to rot in hell!!! 0 May 16, 2024
1,375 Adriaan F. Mouheb Ashakih is a cruel ugly devil and she belongs in hell! Please find her and make her bleed! 0 May 16, 2024
1,374 johan v. Find that scumbag Mouheb Ashakih and kill her! 0 May 16, 2024
1,373 kira v. Find that devil and make her pay!!! 0 May 16, 2024
1,372 Wendy R. May 13, 2024
1,371 Helen B. May 13, 2024
1,370 Joana G. May 10, 2024
1,369 carmel e. May 08, 2024
1,368 Jill H. May 07, 2024
1,367 stacy s. Apr 30, 2024
1,366 estelle p. Apr 29, 2024
1,365 Anne L. Apr 29, 2024
1,364 Nancy W. Apr 27, 2024
1,363 KK S. Apr 26, 2024
1,362 Russell D. Apr 24, 2024
1,361 Cyndee G. Apr 22, 2024
1,360 Cyndee G. Apr 22, 2024
1,359 Ann C. Apr 20, 2024
1,358 Vicky B. Come to see me, I have a spot in my car for you. You are a witch in disguise Apr 19, 2024
1,357 Alice F. Apr 18, 2024
1,356 Laura W. She needs to go to jail and she also needs some mental health help. What a monster. Apr 17, 2024
1,355 Robin A. 😡😡😡😡😡 Apr 16, 2024
1,354 Martine C. Apr 16, 2024
1,353 Lisa R. Apr 16, 2024
1,352 Dee P. Apr 15, 2024
1,351 Sarah W. Find and arrest her!! Send her to prison!!! She is a monster!!! Strip her of her rights to ever own another animal, put her name on a national registry of animal abusers!!!! That would be tame punishment and much lighter than what she really deserves. Apr 14, 2024
1,350 Melissa J. Apr 14, 2024
1,349 Lorraine O. Apr 13, 2024
1,348 Céu A. Apr 13, 2024
1,347 Rose P. Lock her up and throw away the key! Apr 13, 2024
1,346 Robert W. Apr 12, 2024