Strip Rank From Navy Sailor Who Beat Wife’s Beagle To Death

Published: May 18, 2020 at 05:47 PM Author: PENNY EIMS

Strip Rank From Navy Sailor Who Beat Wife’s Beagle To Death
Published: Mar 27, 2020 / Author: Penny Eims

Richard Schunke was home alone with Layla on the day that he brutally beat her. According to reports, the eight-year-old beagle died from excessive trauma and she had multiple bruises over most of her body. Despite the severity of her injuries, Schunke has received a mere slap on the wrist.

His actions reveal a severe lack of moral character. Something confirmed by the woman who was married to him. Jahn tells Animal Victory that she suffered emotional abuse from Schunke and that her “heart shattered” when she learned that Layla had been killed, adding, “I could not believe that my best friend was taken from me in the most cruel way.”

Jahn wants this man stripped of his Navy rank, and we want our signatures to help make that possible! Please sign (and comment) the petition – we want justice for Layla!

News video here.

Please note: Jahn moved out and filed for divorce immediately after Schunke killed her dog.

7,762 of a 5,000 signature goal

UPDATE 05/15/2021: Animal Victory Wins

Update! On May 8, 2020, we learned that Schunke has separated from the Navy. We thank you for your support in this important cruelty case, and for giving Layla a voice. Animal Victory’s mission is complete with this information and we are closing out this petition.

Update 04/02/2020: Read our letter to the Acting Secretary of the Navy here

Read our letter to the USS Leyte Gulf Commanding Officer, Captain William Grady Musser here

It was confirmed on Friday, May 8th, that Richard Schunke has been separated from the US Navy.

Read Laura’s heartfelt thank you message to Animal Victory and to all of you who signed the petition below

Dear Animal Victory,

“I was confirmed on Friday, May 8th, that Richard Schunke has been separated from the US Navy. I wanted to take a moment to personally thank all those who signed and commented on the petition for Layla, who passed from excessive trauma on December 10th, 2017 while under Richard Schunke’s care while I was at work. I especially want to thank Animal Victory for following Layla’s case and being an amazing support until the very end. Without the help of Animal Victory and those who participated in the petition, Layla would not have received the justice she deserves. Together, we can use our voices to stop animal abuse and help bring faith back to the people who had their animals abused.”

With Much Love,

Laura (Laylas Owner)

Prior Petition:

Justice for Layla – beagle beaten to death by Navy Sailor. 8690 Signatures

Published: Mar 25, 2019 / Author: Penny Eims

Please join us in asking The Honorable Gregory D. Underwood to sentence Richard Schunke of Norfolk, Virginia, to jail. Despite the brutality of the beating, Layla’s killer has been offered a plea deal which would keep him out of jail. What message does this send? Layla suffered horribly at Schunke’s hands and the man who stole her life deserves more than a slap on the wrist.


Layla, an eight-year-old beagle, was beaten to death in December 2017 by Richard Schunke, a Navy Sailor. Despite being charged with felony animal cruelty, he may be able to avoid time in jail because he has been offered a plea deal if he can stay out of trouble, and complete and anger-management course. This man must face more than a simple slap on the wrist for what he did to Layla – please sign the petition asking for Schunke to be sent to jail and prohibited from ever owning a pet again! Read more about this case at the Pet Rescue Report.

Update 3/9/2020: Richard Schunke will not serve any jail time for killing Layla. On March 6, Schunke was sentenced to 12 months in jail with all time suspended. It is cases like this to push us to continue petitioning for strong sentences. People who are capable of torturing and killing animals should serve time in jail and be prohibited from ever owning animals again. They should NOT get a mere slap on the wrist. Layla deserved better.

Layla, an eight-year-old beagle, was beaten to death in December 2017 by Richard Schunke, a Navy Sailor. Schunke pleaded guilty to a felony animal cruelty charge, but he did not have to go to jail because of a plea agreement.

Layla belonged to Schunke’s wife, Laura Jahn, who is angry and dismayed that he has received a mere slap on the wrist for brutally beating her dog to death.

We are collecting signatures because we want Richard Schunke to be stripped of his Navy rank. His abysmal act deserves serious repercussions!

Prior Signatures 7762.