Sign: Vote NO on proposed facility to breed dogs for medical research 3257 PEOPLE SIGNED THIS PETITION

Published: July 30, 2019 at 02:18 PM Author: PENNY EIMS



Wisconsin – A Wisconsin couple is trying to get approval for a dog breeding operation. The dogs bred at this facility will be sold for medical research. Please join us as we ask the Town of Spring Green to deny the conditional use permit application requested by Clinton and Jill Kane.

(Image source screenshot CBS)

Update August 2019: We are disappointed to report that the necessary permitting for this dog breeding operation to continue has been granted. Thousands of signatures in opposition to the facility were submitted to officials, and the Village of Spring Green did deny the couple the business permit which they hoped to secure. Unfortunately, Sauk County officials ultimately pushed the permitting through and the facility will be allowed to operate. Board Chair Kevin Lins explained to 27 News, “that ultimately it’s up to Sauk County to make the decision about the permit, but because of an ordinance, the facility must be approved, no matter what their decision.”

Clinton and Jill Kane want to get approval for a permit which will allow them to breed dogs which will be sold for medical research. The kennel, if approved will hold hundreds of dogs – dogs who will eventually live their life in a cage, never knowing the what it feels like to walk on grass, or to enjoy the comforts that go hand-in-hand with being a beloved pet.

Dogs used for research are often subjected to unimaginable pain and suffering – poked, prodded, confined to small cages, force fed and crippled – all in the name of “research.” Individuals who breed dogs for research target those who are the most docile (Beagles are the top breed used in research) because they are the easiest to handle.

Many countries are moving away from using animals for research. It is time for the United States to do the same!

Please sign the petition asking the Town of Spring Green to deny the Kane’s request; make your voices heard!

Click here to watch a video which sheds light on research dogs (Beagle Freedom Project video).

* Individuals are presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.

Prior Signatures 3,257