Sign: Puppy Suffered Severe Injuries After Being Dragged By Moving Car

Published: October 14, 2024 at 12:58 PM Author: PENNY EIMS

Luling, Louisiana – A Louisiana woman is accused of committing a reprehensible act of cruelty that left an innocent puppy with severe injuries. According to the St. Charles Parish Sheriff’s Office, on October 7, 51-year-old Tammy Veillon tethered a puppy to a car’s side mirror with a rope and started driving.

In a news release, the authorities recount the horrific incident:

At approximately 2:00 p.m. on October 7, 2024, deputies received a report about a gray vehicle dragging a dog down Bradwall Street in Luling. Upon arrival, deputies spoke to a witness who described the incident. The witness saw a gray vehicle driving on Bradwall Street towards River Road with a dog being dragged by a makeshift rope. The witness and a bystander got the driver’s attention, stopped the vehicle, freed the dog, and brought it to safety.

Against all odds, the puppy survived the dragging, but she suffered significant injuries over much of her body. Since the devastating incident, the puppy has undergone surgery for a deep knee laceration, and she is receiving laser treatments to help repair the abrasions that cover her body.

Via St. Charles Parish Animal Shelter

Veillon was arrested on a charge of aggravated animal cruelty (a felony) and booked into jail on a $100,000 bond.

This is an outrageously evil, monstrous, act of cruelty that left an innocent puppy with devastating injuries, extreme pain, and suffering she should never have been forced to endure. Please sign the petition today and help Animal Victory fight for justice.


  • St. Charles Parish District Attorney’s Office



We, the undersigned, demand that Tammy Veillon face the maximum sentence for her charge of aggravated animal cruelty, stemming from the October 7 incident that left an innocent puppy with severe, widespread injuries. Animal Victory and its supporters want this woman to be held accountable for her actions. Not only should Tammy Veillon spend time behind bars, but she must be prohibited from owning or living with animals in the future. 

Individuals are presumed innocent until found guilty in a court of law. Animal Victory relies upon the authorities and the court system to determine guilt or innocence.

Note: The puppy is being cared for by the St. Charles Parish Animal Shelter. Follow them on Facebook at this link.




St. Charles Parish News Release

Puppy Suffered Severe Injuries After Being Dragged By Moving Car

8,937 signatures = 45% of goal

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Latest Signatures
8,937 T K. 0 Oct 15, 2024
8,936 Lucia B. 0 Oct 15, 2024
8,935 A J. Can her punishment be the same? I would GLADLY volunteer for that job! Charge her with FELONY Animal Abuse! 0 Oct 15, 2024
8,934 Michael L. 0 Oct 15, 2024
8,933 Martha D. 0 Oct 15, 2024
8,932 Vickie J. 0 Oct 15, 2024
8,931 Michael S. 0 Oct 15, 2024
8,930 Maura R. This evil subhuman needs to pay for the horrible thing she did!! What would make you even think about doing that??????? Needs to be put away! 0 Oct 15, 2024
8,929 Linda L. 0 Oct 15, 2024
8,928 Chantal B. 0 Oct 15, 2024
8,927Anonymous 0 Oct 15, 2024
8,926 Cal C. AN EYE FOR AN EYE 0 Oct 15, 2024
8,925 Cory R. 0 Oct 15, 2024
8,924 Ann W. Can her punishment be the same? I would GLADLY volunteer for that job! Charge her with FELONY Animal Abuse! 0 Oct 15, 2024
8,923 Dawn Y. 0 Oct 15, 2024
8,922 Sandy R. 0 Oct 15, 2024
8,921 Mark N. This is a dangerous woman who needs to take responsibility for her actions. If she does not it will be a very bad message to her and others. 0 Oct 15, 2024
8,920 Anita W. Can her punishment be the same? I would GLADLY volunteer for that job! Charge her with FELONY Animal Abuse! 0 Oct 15, 2024
8,919 Angela H. Horrible cruelty. Please check around this person for other animals, children, and vulnerable adults. Cruelty does not exist alone. This person should be confined or prohibited from being around animals. Children are vulnerable adults 0 Oct 15, 2024
8,918 LisA L. 0 Oct 15, 2024
8,917 Maili M. 0 Oct 15, 2024
8,916 Laura L. 0 Oct 15, 2024
8,915 Joseph H. 0 Oct 15, 2024
8,914 Erin M. 0 Oct 15, 2024
8,913 Jon B. 0 Oct 15, 2024
8,912Anonymous 0 Oct 15, 2024
8,911 Barry V. 0 Oct 15, 2024
8,910Anonymous 0 Oct 15, 2024
8,909 David S. 0 Oct 15, 2024
8,908 Nina V. 0 Oct 15, 2024
8,907 Jeannie F. Open the gates of hell and throw this monster in!!! 0 Oct 15, 2024
8,906 Lisa H. 0 Oct 15, 2024
8,905 Susan R. 0 Oct 15, 2024
8,904 Heide C. 0 Oct 15, 2024
8,903 Nina V. 0 Oct 15, 2024
8,902 Lori B. Thank God this poor little puppy was saved!!!!!! HOW SAD!!!!!!! 0 Oct 15, 2024
8,901 June B. Thank you for the two who stepped up and saved this innocent, cute puppy. I just can't understand this monster dragging this little pup down the street. She doesn't deserve to ever have any pets........she doesn't really deserve to have a life. Please throw the book at her. This is an innocent life who has no voice but those that will speak up. What an evil woman! 0 Oct 15, 2024
8,900 Deborah T. Jail the evil bitch. 0 Oct 15, 2024
8,899 Linda W. This POS should be keelhauled. Good for the witness and the bystander for rescuing the puppy! Many people would have just filmed it 0 Oct 15, 2024
8,898 Lori L. Do the same to her, but make sure she gets hit by a car and dies. 0 Oct 15, 2024
8,897 Mariann A. 0 Oct 15, 2024
8,896 Hollye B. Stupid bitch! Hope she is jailed and fined! 0 Oct 15, 2024
8,895Anonymous This woman is a criminal. She is an abuser. Put her in prison for life. 0 Oct 15, 2024
8,894 Christina G. 0 Oct 15, 2024
8,893 Janice H. She’s a B….h. I hope she gets her due 0 Oct 15, 2024
8,892Anonymous 0 Oct 15, 2024
8,891 Colette Y. Drag her too 0 Oct 15, 2024
8,890 Northington S. Despicable bitch !! 0 Oct 15, 2024
8,889 Michele V. 0 Oct 15, 2024
8,888Anonymous Thus miserable excuse for a human must suffer the same trauma that she put this poor pup through. Tie her with her hands bound and make her run alongside a car till she falls, he skin tearing and being burned by the pavement and small stones. She'll get the picture soon enough. 0 Oct 15, 2024