Sign: Arrest And Charge Woman Who Videotaped Cat Being Mauled By Dogs For Entertainment

Published: December 28, 2023 at 02:14 AM Author: PENNY EIMS

Rankin County, Mississippi – In 2022 a Mississippi woman sacrificed an innocent cat for entertainment. Eternea Williams, who went by TeeDy Wms or E on social media, videotaped her dogs killing a defenseless cat; streaming the live video on Facebook.

In the video, Williams tells her dogs, “Tonight we feast!” while taunting them with the caged cat until they are in a frenzy. She proceeds to open the crate door, allowing the terrified cat to be mauled to death.

It is a horrific scene and revealing of the woman’s depraved mind. In Defense of Animals lead campaigner, Doll Stanley, spearheaded the effort to identify the woman and get the crime reported to the Rankin County Sheriff’s Department.

Animal Victory is standing with In Defense of Animals to get District Attorney John K. Bramlett, Jr. to prosecute Williams and hold her accountable for this despicable act of cruelty.

(Video of the abhorrent act below – warning, it is graphic and disturbing)

Help Us Get Justice For This Innocent Cat

If you are outraged and disgusted by the depravity of Eternea Williams’ actions please add your name to the petition. We are petitioning for this woman to be arrested and charged with felony aggravated animal cruelty. When she is charged, we will fight for the maximum sentence allowable by law and push for her to be banned from ever owning or residing with animals in the future.

We the undersigned demand that Eternea Williams be held accountable for encouraging her two dogs to viciously maul and kill a defenseless cat. This petition acts as our collective endorsement for the maximum penalty allowed by law for any charges stemming from this despicable act of animal cruelty. 

Individuals are presumed innocent until found guilty in a court of law. Animal Victory relies upon the authorities and the court system to determine guilt or innocence.

Update 2/13/2024: The prosecutor has stated that the animal control office signed the affidavit; the summary and a request for a warrant to arrest and charge Eternea Williams is waiting for the judge’s signature.

Update 1/3/2024: Animal Victory spoke with the prosecutor’s office. The case was moved from a misdemeanor charge to a felony charge. This case is still in active investigation. They cannot disclose information until the defendant, Eternea Williams, has been served and the case goes to the grand jury for indictment. The Animal Control Officer for Rankin County will be signing an affidavit with Prosecutor Spillman’s office which will be presented for a judge to go forward and execute a warrant for the abuser’s arrest and charging. This should be happening either this week or next week.

Arrest And Charge Woman Who Videotaped Cat Being Mauled By Dogs For Entertainment

19,858 signatures = 99% of goal

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Latest Signatures
19,858 Elizabeth N. 0 Sep 27, 2024
19,857 j p. 0 Jul 28, 2024
19,856 Jessica H. 0 Jul 28, 2024
19,855 Daniel M. Please judge sign the warrant request. 0 Jul 26, 2024
19,854 Carlos O. 0 Jul 25, 2024
19,853 Consciously A. 0 Jul 18, 2024
19,852 Laura S. 0 Jul 13, 2024
19,851 Arlene M. 0 Jul 11, 2024
19,850 Stormy M. 0 Jul 08, 2024
19,849 Kerry M. 0 Jul 08, 2024
19,848 Kathleen C. 0 Jul 08, 2024
19,847 Stormy L. 0 Jul 08, 2024
19,846 Brandi C. We have been waiting too long already for justice for this poor cat. 0 Jul 08, 2024
19,845 Rebecca A. 0 Jul 03, 2024
19,844 Sherry B. 0 Jul 02, 2024
19,843 Amanda L. Please put this disgusting piece of shit behind bars 0 Jul 02, 2024
19,842Anonymous Absolutely disgusting. Prosecute this “person” to the fullest extent of the law. 0 Jul 01, 2024
19,841 Maria M. She needs to have this done to her .... 0 Jun 29, 2024
19,840Anonymous 0 Jun 28, 2024
19,839Anonymous This is a terrible crime. A living Breathing Cat lost its life in a violent assault! The dogs are her victims too, it will make adoption difficult. She should be charged to the fullest extent of the law! 0 Jun 28, 2024
19,838 Raul M. Did she just receive a slap on the wrist back in March 2024 for this horrendous crime? 0 Jun 27, 2024
19,837 Laura H. May she rot in hell 0 Jun 21, 2024
19,836 Michelle L. What an evil, sick, twisted POS. Absolute scum. Please arrest and prosecute with maximum time in prison. I can only hope a pack of wolves crosses her path and does the same. 0 Jun 21, 2024
19,835 Michelle K. 0 Jun 20, 2024
19,834 Myriam J. 0 Jun 19, 2024
19,833 Rita F. 0 Jun 19, 2024
19,832 Lillian F. 0 Jun 19, 2024
19,831Anonymous 0 Jun 17, 2024
19,830 Chris V. 0 Jun 15, 2024
19,829 Tammy S. 0 Jun 14, 2024
19,828 April J. 0 Jun 14, 2024
19,827 s k. 0 Jun 13, 2024
19,826Anonymous 0 Jun 12, 2024
19,825 Marie G. 0 Jun 12, 2024
19,824 Caryn M. 0 Jun 08, 2024
19,823 Kristy B. 0 Jun 06, 2024
19,822 Jonathan S. Disgusting human being she is. 0 Jun 04, 2024
19,821 Constanza R. 0 Jun 04, 2024
19,820 luke A. 0 Jun 02, 2024
19,819 Wendy F. 0 Jun 02, 2024
19,818 Frankie A. I know three rottweilers that would love to feast on a leg or thigh and then fight over who gets the breasts of this depraved human turd. Maximum sentence and it better be more than a slap on the wrist. But then again, this is Mississippi where cruelty isn't seen as such a terrible offence. Who wants to be she spend hardly any time in jail. 0 May 31, 2024
19,817 Mirna C. 0 May 30, 2024
19,816 ANNE-MARIE S. 0 May 29, 2024
19,815 Beth C. 0 May 28, 2024
19,814 Jason D. This dumb bitch needs a slow horrible death. 0 May 27, 2024
19,813 Ursula S. Die Frau ist pervers und geistesgestört. Wegsperren! 0 May 27, 2024
19,812 Vivian L. This psychopath should be prosecuted under the fullest extent of the law. 0 May 27, 2024
19,811 Lynn C. 0 May 21, 2024
19,810Anonymous 0 May 20, 2024
19,809 Samantha H. 0 May 19, 2024