Punish Police Officer Who Killed 13-Pound Blind, Deaf Dog

Published: May 27, 2024 at 12:11 AM Author: PENNY EIMS

Sturgeon, Missouri – On May 19, Officer Myron Woodson responded to a dog at large call. Officer Woodson found a small, white dog who he deemed a “danger to the public.” After following the dog for a short period of time, Officer Woodson made the decision to shoot and kill the 13-pound dog.

The slain dog was Teddy, a five-year-old, blind and deaf Shih Tzu mix belonging to Nick Hunter. Teddy slipped out of his yard and was blindly trying to find his way home before someone phoned dispatch to let them know that a NON-AGGRESSIVE dog was loose.

The city of Sturgeon had posted photos of Teddy to social media, asking if anyone knew him.

But Officer Woodson got to Teddy before anyone else. In video footage, Woodson can be heard saying, “I’m not gonna let you bite me, you’re looking all cray.” From ABC 17 News, A total of three minutes, and six seconds occurs in the video from when the officer first initially gets close to the animal and the first shot being fired.

In less than five minutes, Officer Woodson decided to fatally shoot a small, blind dog – Teddy was dead less than an hour from the time the person phoned dispatch to have him picked up. That person, who does not want to be named, told dispatch that the dog was not aggressive – it was sitting next to them, drinking some water while they waited for an officer to arrive.

Teddy’s distraught owner confronted the man who killed the pup, and the officer did not indicate that he thought Teddy was going to harm him, and he never mentioned the possibility of the dog being infected with rabies. He basically said, “What was I supposed to do?”

The city released a statement about the deadly incident. The city said that the officer “feared being bitten,” and states that Officer Woodson feared the dog was infected with rabies.

The deadly situation has sparked widespread outrage in the city and as word spreads about what happened, people across the nation have voiced their dismay and anger. If you are among the outraged, please add your name to the petition today!

Disturbing: Watch body cam video of this incident below.


Video from reporter and animal advocate Paul Mueller below.


Target: Aldermen Seth Truesdell (temporarily taking over the mayor position after Kevin Abrahamson unexpectedly resigned on 5/25/2024), Greg Halderman Chief of Police, and Prosecuting Attorney Roger B. Johnson

We the undersigned demand that Officer Myron Woodson face charges and employment repercussions for shooting and killing a blind and deaf dog in less than five minutes of “trying” to capture him. This petition acts as our collective endorsement for Woodson to face true consequences for his actions; this can NEVER happen again. Officer Woodson must be held accountable, and the entire department must undergo training to ensure that loose dog calls are handled appropriately. 

Individuals are presumed innocent until found guilty in a court of law. Animal Victory relies upon the authorities and the court system to determine guilt or innocence.


ABC 17

ABC 17


Update 5/30/2024: Animal Victory sent petition to the Mayor Pro-Tem. 

Update 5/28/2024: Officer Woodson has been placed on leave and Kevin Abrahamson, the mayor, resigned because of community backlash over Teddy’s killing. Seth Truesdell, Abrahamson’s temporary replacement, issued a public comment about this situation on May 25:

On Friday evening, I was informed that the Mayor would be resigning and I would be assuming his role. The board of Alderman and myself do not agree with former Mayor’s statements and were not giving any notice before release. The first time any Alderman saw the body cam video was during the KMIZ news release. Like you we were just as appalled by what we saw. The actions of the Officer involved are not the values and beliefs of the residents of Sturgeon or the board of Alderman. Currently I have made calls to the Boone County Sheriff to meet and discuss an investigation. The officer involved was placed on leave and will remain on leave until further notice. The board of Alderman will be holding a future special meeting to discuss personnel including Officer Woodson. I personally give my condolences to the owners of Teddy. I know nothing I do now or in the future will bring Teddy back. The board of Aldermen and myself are committed to helping the City of Sturgeon heal.

Punish Police Officer Who Killed 13-Pound Blind, Deaf Dog

17,625 signatures = 88% of goal

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Latest Signatures
17,625 Kimberly W. 0 Jul 27, 2024
17,624 Janet F. Please lock up this evil POS. The poor little dog was not threatening at all. How despicable!! 0 Jul 27, 2024
17,623Anonymous Seriously! That poor dog was out of it - he needs a noose around his neck POS 0 Jul 26, 2024
17,622 Steventhis T. This officer needs to be fired and charged!!! 0 Jul 24, 2024
17,621 Tabitha M. Do the same to him!!! Make him suffer for this!!!!!!! 0 Jul 24, 2024
17,620 Josianne C. 0 Jul 24, 2024
17,619Anonymous 0 Jul 23, 2024
17,618 Cassidy T. 0 Jul 23, 2024
17,617 Kaitlynn M. I hope he passes of a painful illness. 0 Jul 23, 2024
17,616 Linda S. 0 Jul 22, 2024
17,615 Miriam C. 0 Jul 22, 2024
17,614 Lauren T. 0 Jul 22, 2024
17,613 Jim C. That nigger needs to be lynched 0 Jul 22, 2024
17,612 Tyler E. 0 Jul 22, 2024
17,611Anonymous mein Glaube und Hoffnung bleiben : dass Karma diesen Übeltätern - welche die Natur und Tierwelt nicht schätzen und solch Schreckliches antun - dereinst Revanche gibt‼️ 0 Jul 22, 2024
17,610 Lindsay T. 0 Jul 22, 2024
17,609 Janet G. Justice for this innocent Deaf tiny Helpless Dog must happen! 0 Jul 22, 2024
17,608 Darlene E. 0 Jul 21, 2024
17,607 Jessica H. 0 Jul 21, 2024
17,606 Dustin H. No excuse for this unwarranted, evil act of cruelty! 0 Jul 21, 2024
17,605Anonymous 0 Jul 21, 2024
17,604 Melissa B. 0 Jul 20, 2024
17,603 Melanie P. Blind, deaf and helpless little Freddy needed help, NOT TO BE SLAUGHTERED by a rogue, cowardly, gun happy Officer (Woodson) who thought NOTHING ABOUT NOR CARED about an innocent creatures life, but instead focused on a bloody ending. SICK, JUST SICK! Take him off the force permanently! His trigger happy, heartless, mental instability is on full display, for all to see!!!! 0 Jul 20, 2024
17,602Anonymous Tout mon soutient venant de France , qu’il repose en paix et que justice soit faite ! 0 Jul 20, 2024
17,601 Brigitte L. 0 Jul 20, 2024
17,600 Saundra R. 0 Jul 19, 2024
17,599 Tammy W. 0 Jul 19, 2024
17,598 Pamela S. 0 Jul 18, 2024
17,597Anonymous 0 Jul 18, 2024
17,596Anonymous This officer Woodson is a disgrace to his uniform. 0 Jul 18, 2024
17,595 Deborah K. He shoukd go to prison. This animal abuse needs to stop right now!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 0 Jul 17, 2024
17,594 Sandy B. 0 Jul 17, 2024
17,593 Consciously A. 0 Jul 17, 2024
17,592Anonymous So incredibly sad. A defenseless and gentle little animal was killed for no reason. 0 Jul 17, 2024
17,591 Tory L. He will get his turn one day but for now I lock him up in solitary and throw away the key. 0 Jul 17, 2024
17,590 Baljit J. This is not a cop. This is a bold faced killer! A beautiful innocent defenceless blind and deaf puppy barely weighing 13pounds shot to death. Same punishment for this cop killer who gets thrills of killing dogs. Throw his MF ass to the dogs 0 Jul 17, 2024
17,589 arlene m. your a cold heart less son of a B---H. That dog was no were near aggressive and you just shot it not once but twice. Karma is a B---H what goes around comes around. RIP Teddy you poor baby 0 Jul 17, 2024
17,588 Jeannette B. 0 Jul 16, 2024
17,587 Janet T. 0 Jul 16, 2024
17,586 Carine Y. 0 Jul 16, 2024
17,585 mark p. That police devil is a brutal killer and he deserves to rot in hell ASAP!!!! 0 Jul 16, 2024
17,584 Valentina v. 0 Jul 16, 2024
17,583 alexandra v. Poor precious doggy....I hope that sick bastard who killed this poor dog will be punished to death!! 0 Jul 16, 2024
17,582 Romina L. 0 Jul 16, 2024
17,581 Janet H. This is hard to believe! This Officer needs a consequence! 0 Jul 15, 2024
17,580Anonymous 0 Jul 15, 2024
17,579 Marcy G. Even if the dog was growling and barking, a 13 lb dog against a gn. All he had to do was fire a shot in the air, why kill this poor dog. Seriously, take this mans gun and badge away. Plus they said non agressive and the dog was lost. HE is a big man with a gun. Goodbye badge and gun you rotten thing 0 Jul 14, 2024
17,578 C B. 0 Jul 14, 2024
17,577 C B. 0 Jul 14, 2024
17,576 C B. 0 Jul 14, 2024