Punish Man Who Intentionally Ran Over Dog, And Then Beat Dog With Headrest

Published: May 28, 2020 at 05:21 AM Author: PENNY EIMS

New York – A man in New York is accused of a heinous act of cruelty and he must pay for his abhorrent behavior! Witnesses told the authorities that a man, identified as 54-year-old Daniel Haas, intentionally pursued a dog with his car, striking the dog and then dragging her. Hitting and dragging the dog with the vehicle was not enough for Haas, who was observed exiting his vehicle with a headrest from the car and using it to beat the already injured dog!

Haas is charged with felony aggravated animal cruelty and animal abandonment and he must not be offered a plea deal. Please sign the petition and send this man to jail!

The dog cruelly targeted by Haas is a one-year-old pit bull named DeeDee. She suffered horrible injuries and was taken to the Ontario County Humane Society for care; her condition is “guarded.”

Daniel Haas displayed unconscionable behavior and now he must pay for his actions. Your signatures (and comments!) will be sent to the prosecutor along with a letter asking for Haas to receive the maximum punishment for this cruel incident. Please support us as we seek justice for DeeDee.




05/11/2020: Read Our Letter Here

* Individuals are presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.

Prior Signatures 12,560