Punish Man Who Adopted Bonded Dogs Then Left Them To Starve To Death

Published: May 28, 2020 at 05:10 AM Author: PENNY EIMS

Iowa – David Goodburn, 21, is accused of abandoning two bonded dogs who were adopted from the Animal Rescue League of Iowa this past March. The dogs, Nori and Brie, starved to death in the Des Moines apartment that Goodburn left them in.

Goodburn is facing two counts of animal neglect, a serious misdemeanor demonstrating “willful intent.”

This is a despicable act of cruelty – these young dogs should have been enjoying a wonderful second chance at life with their new owner, but instead they were left to die a slow and miserable death. Goodburn must be severely punished for his unconscionable act of cruelty.

Please sign the petition and help us seek justice for Nori and Brie!

The Animal Rescue League of Iowa had high hopes for the bonded dogs. Goodburn was fully screened before the dogs were released to his care, but he did the unimaginable when he abandoned them in his apartment. In a release, the shelter expressed their anger and dismay:

We are shocked, heartbroken, and furious. Goodburn not only lied to and misled our team, he did the same to the multiple people who were with him and the dogs inside the home after they were adopted. No one saw any red flags until the call came this week … and by then it was too late.

The shelter described the dogs who were left to suffer alone:

Nori (3 years old) and Brie (1.5 years old) were incredibly sweet girls who loved belly rubs, toys, and especially people.

These dogs did nothing to deserve the cruel fate they suffered. They wanted nothing more than to love and be loved, and instead, they were cast aside and forgotten. Goodburn was arrested by the Des Moines Police and he is being held at the Polk County Jail.

Nori and Brie deserve justice – this man must NOT receive a plea deal. Please sign the petition and send Goodburn to jail for as long as possible!




Update 9/21/2020: On Aug. 31, Goodburn received two 315.00 fines, two 365 days of jail sentences, with all suspended but 13 days. He spent a total of 13 days in jail. Two years of probation with treatment was recommended, and an order of no pets of any kind in his care or ownership for the duration of the probation. Animal Victory is disappointed with this outcome. We will continue our fight against animal cruelty, with the goal of securing REAL punishment for convicted animal abusers!

Update 6/29/2020: Read our letter here

* Individuals are presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.

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