Punish Former Deputy Fire Marshal Who Starved K9 Partner To Death

Published: November 12, 2020 at 03:21 PM Author: PENNY EIMS

Louisiana – A former Louisiana State Fire Marshal Deputy is facing multiple charges after he allegedly starved his own K-9 partner to death. The agency has identified Robert Fain, a corporal in the Shreveport area, as the man responsible for the death of Maily, a Belgian Malinois mix who died of neglectful malnourishment.

Maily died in October – her handler claimed that she had passed away because of a lengthy illness. But a necropsy on Maily’s body revealed that she died of starvation.

In a news release, State Fire Marshal Butch Browning commented on the heartbreaking case:

As a dog owner and former K-9 handler myself, these findings make me sick. We consider all of our K-9 officers part of our law enforcement family and treatment of these animals as anything less is unacceptable. Outright neglect and abuse like this will not be tolerated or excused. These actions alleged against Robert Fain are the actions of one individual and are not reflective of the dedication our handlers have to their K-9 partners nor of our agency’s commitment to public safety and abating arson.

Maily relied on Fain, her partner, to care for her but he betrayed her in the worst possible fashion. Now the former deputy is facing multiple charges including one count each of Aggravated Cruelty to Animals and Malfeasance in Office as well as six counts of 1st Degree Injuring Public Records and four counts each of Theft and Payroll Fraud.

Please join us in asking for Fain to receive the maximum punishment for ALL of his charges – a plea deal is not acceptable! Maily deserves justice!

Final Update 8/5/2024: Animal Victory is immensely disappointed with the outcome of this case. The District Attorney failed to prosecute Fain. We have called the office of Randy Smith – ADA who deals with “cold cases” and requested a call back. Alexandra Aiello, who was the original ADA but never prosecuted the case is now a judge. If we receive further information we will reopen this petition. We thank the thousands of people who helped fight for justice for Maily. 

Update 1/31/2024: Animal Victory sent petition to the court and DA. 

Update 12/18/2023: Animal Victory received a call back from Ashley Rodrigue, the Public Information Officer. According to Rodrigue, the last time this case was in court was July 2021. The Judge was expected to set a motion, but nothing happened. Ms. Rodique spoke to the District Attorney’s office last month and was told that the Fire Marshall’s service wanted to have a date set, and a motion delivered since this case has gone on for more than two years at this point. The defendant was charged with two felonies – 1) malfeasance in office, and 2) aggravated animal cruelty. He is and has been out on bond.

Update June 28/2022: The case is still open with no new court dates yet

June 2021: Animal Victory has learned that court (pretrial) is scheduled to take place in July.

Update 4/26/2021: Animal Victory has sent 20,461 signatures and comments to Ashley Rodrigue today for the upcoming court date. Please read our letter here.

Update 3/26/2021: Animal Victory has learned that court is scheduled for May 25, 2021.

Update 2/17/2021: Ashley Rodrigue, the State Fire Marshal’s public affairs director, has thanked Animal Victory for staying on top of this important case and she has assured us that they want to see the same just that we do. The next court date is scheduled for March 9, 2021.

Update 1/20/2020: Today we sent 10,472 signatures and comments to Ashley Rodrique along with our letter of intent. Read our letter here.

* Individuals are presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.


Prior Signatures 21,279

Punish Former Deputy Fire Marshal Who Starved K9 Partner To Death

2,977 signatures = 15% of goal

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Latest Signatures
2,977 Nancy C. 0 Aug 04, 2024
2,976 Patricia L. Throw the book at him! 0 Aug 04, 2024
2,975 Chris O. 0 Aug 04, 2024
2,974 Sonia C. 0 Aug 03, 2024
2,973 Shirlene S. 0 Aug 03, 2024
2,972 Leslie S. 0 Aug 03, 2024
2,971Anonymous He should be punished to full extent of the law. Should be chard to killing a police officer and animal cruelty. Just hope he does not get a slap in the hand and should be fired and starve him to death. 0 Aug 03, 2024
2,970 Cynthia L. Fire him immediately and do the same to him that he did to his canine partner. 0 Aug 03, 2024
2,969 Sandra L. Not acceptable. This handler must be accountable for his actions 0 Aug 03, 2024
2,968 Genevieve P. White trash! I'm from Louisiana and we dont treat dogs like that~!! 0 Aug 03, 2024
2,967 Carolyn W. This is my approval signing the petition for K9 Maily that was starved to death!!!!!! 0 Aug 03, 2024
2,966 Suzanne C. 0 Aug 03, 2024
2,965 Tricia M. 0 Aug 03, 2024
2,964 Kira M. It's time for everyone, including the officer, to be charged with their crime, including animal cruelty. Lock him up; he did this intentionally. 🤬 0 Aug 03, 2024
2,963 Beverley A. Jail this abuser . 0 Aug 03, 2024
2,962 Meagan O. Time to start exacting the highest punishment allowed by law for each crime committed against any animal but there should be more severe punishment for anyone who committed crimes against K9 officers. 0 Aug 03, 2024
2,961 Anita M. Animal abuse is a crime, please punish this monster.. that poor working dog did not deserve that. 0 Aug 03, 2024
2,960 L G. 0 Aug 03, 2024
2,959 Marjorie A. 0 Aug 03, 2024
2,958 Jonathan V. Justice! 0 Aug 03, 2024
2,957 Michelle C. I care <3 0 Aug 03, 2024
2,956 Heather T. Put this man in jail. here we treat our canine officers as officers, So, in this case, this man killed a fellow officer! Disgusting that nobody has put him away! Make it so he’s never able to be a cop again or an animal! 0 Aug 03, 2024
2,955 Yajaira R. 0 Aug 03, 2024
2,954 Robin W. 0 Aug 03, 2024
2,953 Laura P. 0 Aug 03, 2024
2,952 Dobbratz D. 0 Aug 03, 2024
2,951 karla s. 0 Aug 03, 2024
2,950 Joy W. 0 Aug 03, 2024
2,949 Tanya R. 0 Aug 03, 2024
2,948 Paula S. 0 Aug 03, 2024
2,947 Bill D. 0 Aug 03, 2024
2,946 Miguel M. 0 Aug 03, 2024
2,945Anonymous This man is not above the law and must be held responsible for his cruel abuse of a helpless animal! 0 Aug 02, 2024
2,944 Jennifer M. Justice for this soul. He's a sadistic murderer who should be punished for the K9 police officers death please! 0 Aug 02, 2024
2,942 maria S. 0 Aug 02, 2024
2,941 Alisa D. 0 Aug 02, 2024
2,940 Ann-elizabeth P. 0 Aug 02, 2024
2,939Anonymous 0 Aug 02, 2024
2,938 Natalie C. 0 Aug 02, 2024
2,937 Amanda A. 0 Aug 02, 2024
2,936 Elise C. 0 Aug 02, 2024
2,935Anonymous 0 Aug 02, 2024
2,934 Barbara A. Starve him too! 0 Aug 02, 2024
2,933 Erica R. 0 Aug 02, 2024
2,932 Toni M. Throw the book at him for killing another officer. Make an example of him! These K9 Officers give their all and to be partnered with this a$ $ that treated her so poorly and ultimately cost her, her life! Stop this from continuing to occur! Protect the Officers/K9 that is!!! 0 Aug 02, 2024
2,931 Stefanie S. 0 Aug 02, 2024
2,930 Ki P. Inexcusable 0 Aug 02, 2024
2,929 Elizabeth H. 0 Aug 02, 2024
2,928 Khristina S. 0 Aug 02, 2024