No Parole! Man Convicted Of Torturing, Dismembering, And Videotaping Dog Killings Wants Out Of Prison Early

Published: April 26, 2022 at 08:35 PM Author: PENNY EIMS

Reno, Nevada – In the summer of 2014, Jason Brown was arrested at a motel in Reno. Authorities found parts of dead and dismembered dogs in the room that Brown had been staying in, and gruesome videos were discovered showing Brown torturing and mutilating dogs that he had been given from unsuspecting pet owners who rehomed their dogs on Craigslist.

Brown was convicted in 2015 and sentenced to 28 years in prison for the crimes that are considered to be among the worst of all animal cruelty cases in Nevada’s history.

Washoe District Court Judge Sattler, who viewed Brown’s homemade dog-torture videos, said that they reminded him of child abuse:

“Images of innocent people in those cases children being victimized in the most god awful and horrific way. And so, as I watched the video in your case it was really more along those lines.” 

But now, after less than eight years behind bars, Brown wants out and he is asking the parole board to release him from prison.

Jason Brown claims that he is a changed person and he points the finger of blame at his prior drug use. But drug users are not known for obtaining animals, torturing and skinning them alive, and videotaping the unspeakable abuse to watch later. What Brown did is not normal, it is sadistic and deviant, and even the Washoe County District Attorney believes that this man will re-offend if he is released.

Is Jason Brown the type of person who should be allowed to walk free in society? Should his despicable crimes be diminished by allowing him to serve just a fraction of the sentence that he was originally given?

At Brown’s April parole hearing, Las Vegas city councilwoman Victoria Seaman said:

“He slowly butchered them … and made a video. I saw someone (at this hearing) who doesn’t really connect with what those animals went through.” Adding, “I don’t feel this person is ready to be released from prison.”

A decision will be made about Jason Brown’s early release on May 16; four of seven board members must agree to let him out early. Please add your name to the petition today. We will be sending your signatures and comments to the Parole Board to let them know how we feel about what this man did, and his opportunity to get out of prison without even serving half of his sentence.

We the undersigned demand that Jason Brown be denied early release from prison. This man is considered to be at high risk to re-offend and we, along with thousands of our supporters, want the parole board to know that his acts of abhorrent violence cannot and should not be diminished by letting him out early.

Note: Jason Brown is eligible for early release because of a loophole in Nevada state law that classifies his gruesome acts as “non-violent” because the victims were animals and not humans. Animal Victory will also be sending this petition to state lawmakers with a demand to close this loophole. What Jason Brown did is violent, depraved, and abhorrent and state law must recognize this.





Update 05/17/2022: VICTORY! Monica has informed Animal Victory that Jason Brown’s parole has been denied until April 2025.  Thank you to everyone who signed the petition. We will follow up again with a new petition to the Board of Parole in 2025.

Update: Monica J. Howk from the Board of Parole Commissioners has informed Animal Victory they did receive 16,271 signatures along with our letter of intent and has placed it in Jason Brown’s file.

Arrest And Charge Woman Who Videotaped Cat Being Mauled By Dogs For Entertainment

19,852 signatures = 99% of goal

Latest Signatures
19,852 Laura S. 0 Jul 13, 2024
19,851 Arlene M. 0 Jul 11, 2024
19,850 Stormy M. 0 Jul 08, 2024
19,849 Kerry M. 0 Jul 08, 2024
19,848 Kathleen C. 0 Jul 08, 2024
19,847 Stormy L. 0 Jul 08, 2024
19,846 Brandi C. We have been waiting too long already for justice for this poor cat. 0 Jul 08, 2024
19,845 Rebecca A. 0 Jul 03, 2024
19,844 Sherry B. 0 Jul 02, 2024
19,843 Amanda L. Please put this disgusting piece of shit behind bars 0 Jul 02, 2024
19,842Anonymous Absolutely disgusting. Prosecute this “person” to the fullest extent of the law. 0 Jul 01, 2024
19,841 Maria M. She needs to have this done to her .... 0 Jun 29, 2024
19,840Anonymous 0 Jun 28, 2024
19,839Anonymous This is a terrible crime. A living Breathing Cat lost its life in a violent assault! The dogs are her victims too, it will make adoption difficult. She should be charged to the fullest extent of the law! 0 Jun 28, 2024
19,838 Raul M. Did she just receive a slap on the wrist back in March 2024 for this horrendous crime? 0 Jun 27, 2024
19,837 Laura H. May she rot in hell 0 Jun 21, 2024
19,836 Michelle L. What an evil, sick, twisted POS. Absolute scum. Please arrest and prosecute with maximum time in prison. I can only hope a pack of wolves crosses her path and does the same. 0 Jun 21, 2024
19,835 Michelle K. 0 Jun 20, 2024
19,834 Myriam J. 0 Jun 19, 2024
19,833 Rita F. 0 Jun 19, 2024
19,832 Lillian F. 0 Jun 19, 2024
19,831Anonymous 0 Jun 17, 2024
19,830 Chris V. 0 Jun 15, 2024
19,829 Tammy S. 0 Jun 14, 2024
19,828 April J. 0 Jun 14, 2024
19,827 s k. 0 Jun 13, 2024
19,826Anonymous 0 Jun 12, 2024
19,825 Marie G. 0 Jun 12, 2024
19,824 Caryn M. 0 Jun 08, 2024
19,823 Kristy B. 0 Jun 06, 2024
19,822 Jonathan S. Disgusting human being she is. 0 Jun 04, 2024
19,821 Constanza R. 0 Jun 04, 2024
19,820 luke A. 0 Jun 02, 2024
19,819 Wendy F. 0 Jun 02, 2024
19,818 Frankie A. I know three rottweilers that would love to feast on a leg or thigh and then fight over who gets the breasts of this depraved human turd. Maximum sentence and it better be more than a slap on the wrist. But then again, this is Mississippi where cruelty isn't seen as such a terrible offence. Who wants to be she spend hardly any time in jail. 0 May 31, 2024
19,817 Mirna C. 0 May 30, 2024
19,816 ANNE-MARIE S. 0 May 29, 2024
19,815 Beth C. 0 May 28, 2024
19,814 Jason D. This dumb bitch needs a slow horrible death. 0 May 27, 2024
19,813 Ursula S. Die Frau ist pervers und geistesgestört. Wegsperren! 0 May 27, 2024
19,812 Vivian L. This psychopath should be prosecuted under the fullest extent of the law. 0 May 27, 2024
19,811 Lynn C. 0 May 21, 2024
19,810Anonymous 0 May 20, 2024
19,809 Samantha H. 0 May 19, 2024
19,808 Paul B. 0 May 15, 2024
19,807 Rosemary W. May 10, 2024
19,806 Nancy J. May 03, 2024
19,805 Amy Z. Pathetic lady, I hope you enjoy your jail cell May 01, 2024
19,804 Markie W. May 01, 2024
19,803 stacy s. Apr 30, 2024


Prior Signatures 16,397