Man Faces 41 Animal Cruelty Charges After Dogs Found With ‘Traumatic Scars And Injuries’

Published: August 03, 2021 at 02:39 PM Author: PENNY EIMS

Franklin County, NY- Nasir Azmat faces 41 animal cruelty related charges following the discovery of 20 dogs who looked “like something out of a horror film,” at property in Franklin County, New York. The grim scene was found in February 2020, and officials are STILL trying to put this man away. Azmat recently rejected a plea deal, which would have put him behind bars for 364 days, and those familiar with the heartbreaking situation are hopeful that this accused dog fighter will be given a strong sentence.

Please sign the petition today to let officials know that Azmat’s canine victims deserve justice!

The 20 dogs seized in February 2020 have been dubbed the “Franklin 20,” and the people who came to know these dogs want to see Nasir Azmat pay for the trauma they endured. Erin Insinga, shelter director at the Delaware Valley Humane Society, described the conditions the dogs had been living in to All Otsego:

“I have never seen animals in such conditions of pain, torture and neglect. These dogs were stacked like pieces of furniture in a dark room.”

From the sheriff’s office press release:

Deputies determined that although there was no evidence of active dog fighting activity observed at that location, the traumatic scars and injuries to the canines along with equipment and paraphernalia present at that scene was consistent with the training and conditioning of canines for dog fighting related activities.

Shortly after the dogs were found, Delaware County Sheriff Craig DuMond said:

“It’s just an absolutely heartbreaking situation to see innocent victims, defenseless victims be treated in such a manner. It’s something you don’t ever hope to see. Not any of us in law enforcement. Not anyone in the public in general.”

Though there was no evidence that dog fighting took place where the dogs were found, the injuries on the dogs, in addition to equipment and paraphernalia found on-site, indicated that the dogs were being raised and trained to compete in the cruel “blood sport” of dog fighting.

Against all odds, the neglected and abused dogs were able to be rehabilitated and adopted to new homes. But the man who made them suffer has not yet paid for what he did – and your support is needed to help convince court officials that this is a serious matter, which deserves to be strongly addressed.

We implore you to support this petition – if Nasir Azmat is found guilty, we want him to be sent away for as long as possible! It is high time that the courts impose significant sentences which send a message – this cruelty cannot and will not be tolerated!

Individuals are presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.


Delaware County Sheriff’s Office Press Release (released via Facebook)


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Update 10/19/2021: Animal Victory received information from Prosecutor Shawn J. Smith. Smith tells AV that the “defendant pleaded guilty to the top charge, with the agreed-upon sentence that he will be sentenced to 60 days in jail, to be followed by 3 years probation.  A specific term of his probation will be that he is not allowed to own, possess or register animals.” Prosecutor Smith said that the petition was helpful in this case, telling AV, “I think the petition was helpful in securing a jail component part of the sentence- keeping in mind the defendant was only charged with misdemeanors.” Thanks to everyone who took the time to sign this petition and help Animal Victory make a difference!

Update 8/17/2021: Attorney Shawn Smith told Animal Victory the case is transferred to the Town of Sidney Court for further proceedings as the Franklin Judge had to recuse himself.  The Daily Star publication states, “Franklin Town Justice Gary P. Arndt filed the request for recusal earlier this week with Delaware County Court Judge Richard Northrup, who authorized the request and transferred the case to Sidney Town Court, according to Delaware County District Attorney John Hubbard.”

The case is on hold until the transfer is complete.


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