Justice For Gentle Dog, Sealed Inside Wooden Dog House And Left To Die

Published: January 05, 2023 at 08:45 PM Author: PENNY EIMS

Oklahoma City, OK – A gentle dog survived the worst of humanity when he was sealed inside a wooden dog house and left to die in a grassy area near the Oklahoma River. Miraculously someone discovered him inside the box before dehydration and starvation stole his life.

The abandoned dog was discovered last Thursday in a grassy spot near Southwest 5th Street and South May Avenue. Rescuers had to pry off the screwed-in board sealing the dog inside of the wooden structure in order to reach him…he was taken to OKC Animal Welfare where he displayed an amazingly sweet and forgiving demeanor in spite of the horror he was subjected to.

But his body reveals that life was hard, even before someone screwed a board to the front of the dog house with him inside. The rescued pit bull is covered in small wounds and scars and he is “extremely malnourished.” The full extent of the trauma he has endured remains a sad mystery.

Evidence of his desperate effort to survive was found after the board covering the opening to the dog house was removed; the interior of the house was chewed and clawed up from his futile attempt to escape. One can only imagine the terror this dog felt when he was abandoned, with no means to escape his wooden tomb.

Against all odds, this dog is alive and receiving care, but the person who tried to kill him needs to be found. OKC Animal Welfare is asking anyone who recognizes the dog to call dispatch at 405-297-2255, so they can find the person responsible.

Animal Victory wants this psychopath to be found, arrested, and charged! We are hoping to raise funds to help provide a $500 reward for information leading to the identification, arrest, and conviction of whoever is responsible for this reprehensible act.

According to the U.S. Department of Justice, “FBI research indicates that most serial killers, school shooters, and mass murderers tortured animals as children. Another form of abuse, dogfighting, is also tied to criminal behavior beyond the harm to the animals.”

Please add your name to the petition today and share this petition with the hope that it will bring forward the information needed to arrest this monster before he/she harms another animal!

Note: This dog has been named Karus, and according to Mutt Misfits Animal Rescue Society he is enjoying the comforts of a foster home.


News 9

Update March 2023: The dog (renamed Diego) has recovered and he has been adopted! 

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