Bred To Die: Foxes Forced To Suffer In Misery Until Being Killed For Their Fur

Published: January 27, 2023 at 06:55 PM Author: PENNY EIMS

Finland – In Finland, the world’s leading producer of fox pelts, thousands of foxes are killed each year for their fur, and the conditions the animals are kept in until they are killed are nothing short of appalling. Shocking undercover footage recently obtained by Oikeutta Elaimille (Justice for Animals) reveals Finland’s cruel secret.

Farmed foxes live in barren wire cages, they suffer from skin and eye infections, and sometimes they resort to cannibalism. These beautiful animals are purposefully bred, and overfed, to make them obese. Why? In order to get larger fur pelts when the animals are slaughtered.

Is it not bad enough that these foxes are born to die? Must they suffer through a miserable existence until the day they are slaughtered? These are social, friendly animals who are forced to leave in bleak wire cages, devoid of freedom, until the day they are killed.

Executive Director of Humane Society International/UK, Claire Bass says:

“We saw a few hundred of the millions of foxes and mink trapped in miles of battery cages in Finland. These poor young animals exist only as vessels for their fur, as broken and tormented souls. We saw weeping eye infections, infected wounds, dead cubs and cannibalism; all of this suffering to provide a frivolous product that the fashion industry does not need.”

Please add your name to the petition today! Animal Victory wants to see these cruel fur farms shut down. This industry has inflicted enough pain, suffering, and misery upon innocent animals who are abused and then killed… because greedy humans feel the need to wear their fur as a fashion statement. Enough is enough.

We the undersigned demand that Finnish officials ban the farming and sale of fur. The fur industry causes immense suffering to the animals. Many other countries in Europe have already banned fur farming and it is time for Finland to join them, and end this miserable industry.

Individuals are presumed innocent until found guilty in a court of law. Animal Victory relies upon the authorities and the court system to determine guilt or innocence.


Daily Mail UK

France 24

Prior Signatures 16,278

Bred To Die: Foxes Forced To Suffer In Misery Until Being Killed For Their Fur

153 signatures = 0% of goal

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Latest Signatures
153 Jeanette R. 0 Jul 13, 2024
152 Jeanne A. 0 Jul 12, 2024
151 Meghan M. 0 Jun 21, 2024
150 Mary O. Obscene. Animal cruelty is the hallmark of weak, insecure people 0 Jun 18, 2024
149 luke A. 0 Jun 01, 2024
148 Viviane V. 0 May 28, 2024
147 Lorrie D. You are disgusting sick Psychopaths, put these disgusting humans in these cages and leave them there. I fucking hate the human race who allows animals to be murdered for fur. Skin all the disgusting humans that do this. EYE FOR AN EYE BASTARDS 0 May 27, 2024
146 Samantha H. 0 May 19, 2024
145 mary c. they need to put a law in place to not allow any fur products be sold and stop killing animals. 0 May 18, 2024
144 Sarah F. This must end. This is disgusting and pure evil. My friend has a pet fox and this makes me seethe with anger. Tens of thousands of hearts are breaking for these animals. I am appalled and deeply ashamed of the human race for torturing animals. This is not God's will, this is sin and the work of the devil. How dare we play God and decide who suffers and who dies. May 13, 2024
143 Jill H. May 05, 2024
142 Lisa K. May 02, 2024
141 stacy s. Apr 30, 2024
140 Sammie H. Apr 28, 2024
139 Gj W. It's apparent that cruelty to animals exists globally because of greed. How can these vicious unhuman POS be stopped? Just sickening what they do to innocent animals. They need to be put down. Apr 26, 2024
138 Karen C. Apr 26, 2024
137 Linda A. Apr 19, 2024
136 Joannie R. Apr 18, 2024
135 terry f. Apr 17, 2024
134 Robin A. 😡😡😡😡😡 Apr 16, 2024
133 Corine C. Apr 15, 2024
132 Martine C. Apr 15, 2024
131 Rajita C. Apr 11, 2024
130 anna a. Apr 09, 2024
129 Deborah C. Apr 05, 2024
128 edward h. Apr 05, 2024
127Anonymous Apr 02, 2024
126 Tammie C. Mar 28, 2024
125 Karen L. Mar 28, 2024
124 Tracy G. Mar 24, 2024
123Anonymous Mar 24, 2024
122 Rie M. Mar 23, 2024
121 Irene M. STOP THE CRUELTY!! Mar 23, 2024
120 Margret L. Mar 22, 2024
119 Annemarie R. Mar 22, 2024
118 Raquel M. Mar 21, 2024
117 Katharina B. Mar 21, 2024
116 Cindy A. This needs to be stopped. Mar 21, 2024
115 Amanda S. Mar 20, 2024
114Anonymous Mar 18, 2024
113Anonymous Mar 18, 2024
112 Marilyn K. I wish that these monsters that breed these poor souls could be treated as they do these foxes. They have no souls tone’s let to do this and shame shame in all the fashion houses that still use fur in their designs. And a big shame to all the fashionistas and wealthy people that just have to have fur on their clothing. Do you even know how they are treated ? Mar 16, 2024
111 Delphine L. Mar 15, 2024
110 Beth B. Mar 14, 2024
109 Cathy C. Mar 13, 2024
108 Nancy G. Greed never ceases to maze me. Financial gain over animal abuse, Finland is in the dark ages. Cruel and a horrible life for beautiful animals. How can these so called people look at themselves in the mirror never admitting the horrible things they do to these animals. STOP THIS Mar 10, 2024
107 M Christine D. Lamentable! Mais le pire, ce sont ceux qui achètent, « facile » quand on ne voit pas toute cette cruauté ! Mar 08, 2024
106 Cindy S. Mar 07, 2024
105Anonymous Je trouve ça immonde de faire souffrir les renards pour leurs fourrure Mar 07, 2024
104Anonymous Mar 06, 2024