Cat Shot Multiple Times In The Face With Arrows And His Killer Must Be Found And Punished

Published: September 21, 2020 at 07:14 AM Author: PENNY EIMS

New Mexico – A young cat, just over a year of age, suffered horribly when someone shot him multiple times in the face with arrows from a mini crossbow. According to KRQE News, the cat was found under someone’s deck on the 400 block of Houston Avenue in Grants, New Mexico, in early August.

Though a veterinarian was able to successfully remove the arrows, the cat’s body was unable to survive the extreme damage and he died. We want the person responsible to be found and punished for this atrocious act of animal cruelty! This is an ongoing animal cruelty investigation. Anyone with information is asked to reach out to Grants Animal Control at 505-285-4012.

(Note: Image has been edited because of the graphic nature)

Nothing warrants the excruciating pain this cat was forced to endure, and whoever is behind this act of cruelty must be found and held accountable for their abhorrent behavior. Given the location of the arrows, it would appear that the cat was shot at close range – possibly while restrained.

Senseless acts of animal cruelty cannot and should not be brushed aside! This deadly incident must be thoroughly investigated and whoever is behind the shooting must be charged and sentenced to the fullest extent of the law.

Please sign this petition to help raise awareness of this sickening act, and to help bring justice to the young cat whose life was cruelly stolen.

(Images via screenshot KRQE News clip)

* Individuals are presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.

Update 9.16.2020: Read Our Letter To The Animal Care Center Director Here

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