Find And Punish Person Who Tied Up Cat And Burned Him!

Published: September 21, 2020 at 07:04 AM Author: PENNY EIMS

Hildale, Utah – In July, a critically injured cat was found in a Hildale, Utah, yard. The cat was taken to a veterinarian where the exam revealed evidence of horrific abuse. According to the Humane Society of Utah, the cat, dubbed Sterling, had been tied up and set on fire. Additional wounds on Sterling’s body are indicative of torture.

This innocent cat suffered horrific pain and his abuser must be found and punished! Please sign this petition and share it to help bring awareness to this atrocious crime. Any tips about who may be responsible should be called into the Colorado City Marshal’s Office dispatch at 928-875-2695.

The Humane Society of Utah is offering a $5,000 reward for information leading to the arrest and conviction of the person or people responsible for the torture of Sterling. When this person is identified and arrested, he/she must be punished to the fullest extent of the law!

Sterling suffered horribly and is lucky to be alive. Whoever is responsible for this cruel incident must be found and punished. Please sign the petition, which will be presented to officials with our letter requesting the maximum possible sentence.

Animal cruelty cases must be fully investigated and prosecuted!

* Individuals are presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.

Update 7/12/2021: Animal Victory has learned that the police never made an arrest or had any suspects for this case, but Sterling is happy, healed, and went to a wonderful loving home!

Update 09/02/2020: Read our letter to City Marshall Robb Radley


Prior Signatures 16,639