Sign: Teen Enjoyed Brutally Killing Kitten with Brass Knuckles and Bowling Ball

Published: September 19, 2024 at 02:07 PM Author: PENNY EIMS

MERIDEN, CT – A kitten in Meriden suffered an unthinkable, unbearably cruel death at the hands of an 18-year-old neighbor earlier this year. The seven-month-old kitten, Noodles, escaped from his owner’s apartment in late February and Carmello Roberts, a teen who lived next door, brutally ended his life.

A word of warning, the following description of Noodles’ death is difficult to read.

According to court documents, Roberts “whacked the cat with a big knife…punched the cat with brass knuckles” and “smashed the cat’s head with a bowling ball,” and then texted his friends that the kitten’s eyes popped out, telling them that he “enjoyed it.”

The brutal incident resulted in a level D felony charge; Malicious wound kill animal. There is a second case against Roberts (N07M-CR24-0356745-S) with charges for Carrying a dangerous weapon, a Class E Felony and Interfere with an officer, a Class A Misdemeanor.

What Carmello Roberts did to this kitten is appalling and vicious! Desmond’s Army Animal Law Advocates in Connecticut tells Animal Victory “Roberts has been in and out of the system since he was a juvenile.”

If you are outraged and want to see him held accountable, please add your name to the petition today! It is critical that animal cruelty is recognized by the courts as a serious violent offense because of the strong link to violent crimes against humans.

Note: Roberts is still in custody; each charge has a $25,000 bail requirement with a minimum of 7 percent ($1750 for each charge). The next court hearing is October 4th at 10:00 a.m. E.S.T.



  • State’s Attorney’s Office for the Judicial District of New Haven



We the undersigned demand Carmello Roberts be held accountable for his vicious killing of Noodles, a seven-month-old kitten. This violent man savagely beat an innocent kitten to death, boasted about what he did, and admitted to ENJOYING it. We and our supporters demand Carmello Roberts face the maximum sentence for the charge stemming from this violent incident; it is critical that he face true repercussions for his actions. Additionally, given this teen’s violent tendencies, we demand this man be prohibited from owning or residing with animals in the future. 

Individuals are presumed innocent until found guilty in a court of law. Animal Victory relies upon the authorities and the court system to determine guilt or innocence.



Fox 61

NBC Connecticut

Update 9/24/2024: Animal Victory sent petition to the City Attorney and to the Meriden City Clerk. 

Teen Enjoyed Brutally Killing Kitten with Brass Knuckles and Bowling Ball

17,239 signatures = 86% of goal

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Latest Signatures
17,239Anonymous 0 Sep 26, 2024
17,238 Ashley G. 0 Sep 26, 2024
17,237 Barbara A. 0 Sep 26, 2024
17,236 Theresa S. 0 Sep 26, 2024
17,235 Kaylee Y. 0 Sep 26, 2024
17,234 Cristina R. 0 Sep 26, 2024
17,233 Ky A. 0 Sep 26, 2024
17,232 Mike D. 0 Sep 26, 2024
17,231 Jammie D. 0 Sep 26, 2024
17,230 Craig D. 0 Sep 26, 2024
17,229 Beth T. 0 Sep 26, 2024
17,228Anonymous 0 Sep 26, 2024
17,227 Cynthia A. 0 Sep 26, 2024
17,226 Sonia R. Hopefully the system won’t say it is mentally unstable, he is getting ready for his next victim. If the system doesn’t lock him up, the next victim will be a person. 0 Sep 26, 2024
17,225Anonymous 0 Sep 26, 2024
17,224 Tina N. 0 Sep 26, 2024
17,223 Aubrey W. 0 Sep 26, 2024
17,222 Donna N. 0 Sep 26, 2024
17,221 Robin E. 0 Sep 26, 2024
17,220Anonymous 0 Sep 26, 2024
17,219 Bruce D. 0 Sep 26, 2024
17,218 Jennifer T. 0 Sep 26, 2024
17,217 Denise D. 0 Sep 26, 2024
17,216 MaryAnn S. 0 Sep 26, 2024
17,215Anonymous Give him the max! 0 Sep 26, 2024
17,214Anonymous 0 Sep 26, 2024
17,213Anonymous 0 Sep 26, 2024
17,212 Gladys B. 0 Sep 26, 2024
17,211 Roxanne H. 0 Sep 26, 2024
17,210 Lorraine A. 0 Sep 26, 2024
17,209 Jan S. This is an evil savage & poises a threat to society…lock this gross monster up!! 0 Sep 26, 2024
17,208 Karin t. 0 Sep 26, 2024
17,207Anonymous 0 Sep 26, 2024
17,206 Angelique C. 0 Sep 26, 2024
17,205 Candace S. 0 Sep 26, 2024
17,204 Barbara K. 0 Sep 26, 2024
17,203 Vicky S. He should spend the rest of his lousy life in jail where a fellow inmate can beat him to a near death, suffering in the process. He's too dangerous to be allowed to go free. 0 Sep 26, 2024
17,202 Tina M. 0 Sep 26, 2024
17,201Anonymous 0 Sep 26, 2024
17,200 Michele H. 0 Sep 26, 2024
17,199 Lusi P. 0 Sep 26, 2024
17,198 Neenah L. 0 Sep 26, 2024
17,197 G S. This is a disturbed individual and clearly needs to be locked up 0 Sep 26, 2024
17,196 George H. Hoping karma finds this teen 0 Sep 26, 2024
17,195 Susann L. 0 Sep 26, 2024
17,194 Steve G. 0 Sep 26, 2024
17,193 silvana z. 0 Sep 26, 2024
17,192Anonymous I hope someone does to him what he did to that cat! 0 Sep 26, 2024
17,191Anonymous The next Jeffrey Dahmer... Nothing but the absolute maximum punishment would be justice... I pray the judge understands the assignment he's been trusted with. 0 Sep 26, 2024
17,190 Seiko E. 0 Sep 26, 2024