Sign: Cat-Killing Man Laughed And Joked About Killing Neighborhood Cats

Published: March 01, 2024 at 02:56 AM Author: PENNY EIMS

Hardin County, Ohio – For years, 37-year-old Andrew Dilts has been capturing cats in his neighborhood and killing them. Dilts has boasted, laughed, and bragged about killing the cats much to the dismay of his neighbors, who owned some of the felines as pets.

Screenshot from social media.

Dilts admits to capturing 14 cats – it is alleged that the cats died after being shot, having their throats slit, or from being shot with an arrow.

Animal Legal Defense Fund outlines the animal protection laws for animals in Ohio:

OHIO REV. CODE ANN. § 959.13. Cruelty to animals.

(A) No person shall:(1) Torture an animal, deprive one of necessary sustenance, unnecessarily or cruelly beat, needlessly mutilate or kill, or impound or confine an animal without supplying it during such confinement

OHIO REV. CODE ANN. § 1717.01. Definitions.

(A) “Animal” includes every living dumb creature;
(B) “Cruelty,” “torment,” and “torture” include every act, omission, or neglect by which
unnecessary or unjustifiable pain or suffering is caused, permitted, or allowed to
continue, when there is a reasonable remedy or relief;

Despite the “needless mutilation or killing” of more than a dozen neighborhood cats, Dilts is only facing a misdemeanor charge.

Animal Victory is petitioning for Prosecutor Bailey of the Hardin County Ohio courts to charge this evil individual, Dilts, with felony animal cruelty for the horrific nature of his behavior. Please add your name to the petition if you want justice for these victimized cats who died in a violent, cruel manner.

We the undersigned demand that Andrew Dilts be charged with felony animal cruelty for trapping and killing numerous neighborhood cats. This petition acts as our collective endorsement for this individual to be punished to the fullest extent of the law for killing  more than a dozen cats in his community.

Note: On February 22, Andrew Dilts requested a continuance to secure an attorney.

Individuals are presumed innocent until found guilty in a court of law. Animal Victory relies upon the authorities and the court system to determine guilt or innocence.



Update 6/27/2024: Animal Victory sent petition with updated signatures to the court and DA. 

Update 6/24/2024: Andrew Dilts has a change of plea hearing scheduled for 07/15/2024 at 1:00 p.m. E.S.T. The hearing will. be held in the Hardin County Municipal Court, OH.

Update 5/16/2024: Prosecuting Attorney Andrew Tudor has told us Andrew Dilts has not, as of yet, changed his plea. He is currently pleading not guilty. Also, to be clear, the reason the prosecuting attorney is charging Dilts with misdemeanors rather than felonies is due to Godard’s Law. Although an investigation was conducted to see if any of the animals that Dilts murdered were “companion” animals, they were all considered to be strays or feral, thus not covered under Godard’s law. The good news is Dilts is currently in jail due to a completely different charge resulting in a parole violation.

Update 4/8/2024: Animal Victory sent petition to the court and DA. 

Update 3/26/2024: Andrew Dilts’ next hearing is scheduled on 04/22/2024. He is being charged at this time, with a Misdemeanor 2.  Kenton City Prosecutor Andrew Tudor can charge Dilts a 5th degree felony; Animal Victory is attempting to get in touch with the Prosecutor to see if he is pursuing the felony charge. 

Cat-Killing Man Laughed And Joked About Killing Neighborhood Cats

16,921 signatures = 85% of goal

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Latest Signatures
16,921 Laura V. 0 Jul 26, 2024
16,920 Kathy A. 0 Jul 24, 2024
16,919 Marisa A. 0 Jul 24, 2024
16,918 Cassidy T. 0 Jul 23, 2024
16,917 Lindsay T. 0 Jul 22, 2024
16,916 Martha W. 0 Jul 21, 2024
16,915 Louis B. 0 Jul 20, 2024
16,914 Lucette B. 0 Jul 20, 2024
16,913 Janet W. 0 Jul 17, 2024
16,912 J o. 0 Jul 16, 2024
16,911 Janet T. 0 Jul 16, 2024
16,910 Rhonda G. 0 Jul 15, 2024
16,909 C B. 0 Jul 14, 2024
16,908 C B. 0 Jul 14, 2024
16,907 C B. 0 Jul 14, 2024
16,906 C B. 0 Jul 14, 2024
16,905 C B. 0 Jul 14, 2024
16,904 Claudine B. Godard’s law or not, it is not Mr.Dilts’ job or his right to capture & kill any feral animal & especially not someone’s companion animal. He should face felony charges for his actions, rather that misdemeanor charges & be sentenced consecutive terms for each felony charge he is found guilty of. 0 Jul 14, 2024
16,903 Melanie V. 0 Jul 13, 2024
16,902Anonymous 0 Jul 13, 2024
16,901 Christelle W. 0 Jul 13, 2024
16,900 Laura S. 0 Jul 13, 2024
16,899 Jacqueline M. 0 Jul 13, 2024
16,898 Susan J W. 0 Jul 13, 2024
16,897 Stacy G. Despicable!!! He need to be in prison!!! 0 Jul 11, 2024
16,896 Ulrich S. 0 Jul 10, 2024
16,895 Sandra C. Pena severa per questo sadico mostro 0 Jul 10, 2024
16,894 Robin V. 0 Jul 10, 2024
16,893 Jessica Y. 0 Jul 09, 2024
16,892 Verónica A. 0 Jul 09, 2024
16,891 A O. 0 Jul 09, 2024
16,890 Beth G. 0 Jul 08, 2024
16,889 Kerry M. 0 Jul 08, 2024
16,888 Kathleen C. 0 Jul 08, 2024
16,887 Stormy L. 0 Jul 08, 2024
16,886Anonymous Do to him what he did to the cats! Tired of the cruelty! 0 Jul 08, 2024
16,885 Lauri M. 0 Jul 08, 2024
16,884 Stacey R. We the undersigned demand that Andrew Dilts be charged with felony animal cruelty for trapping and killing numerous neighborhood cats. This petition acts as our collective endorsement for this individual to be punished to the fullest extent of the law for killing more than a dozen cats in his community! 0 Jul 08, 2024
16,883 Flora W. 0 Jul 08, 2024
16,882 Lynn W. 0 Jul 08, 2024
16,881 Graziella L. 0 Jul 08, 2024
16,880 Jane J. Vile needs death penalty 0 Jul 08, 2024
16,879 Ingrid R. 0 Jul 07, 2024
16,878 Brenda H. 0 Jul 07, 2024
16,877 Julie M. 0 Jul 07, 2024
16,876 Cindy K. 0 Jul 07, 2024
16,875 Richard J. 0 Jul 07, 2024
16,874 susan s. 0 Jul 07, 2024
16,873Anonymous 0 Jul 06, 2024
16,872 paul o. 0 Jul 06, 2024