Red Lake Police – Investigate To Find Person Who Skinned Puppy! 1019 PEOPLE SIGNED THIS PETITION

Published: February 17, 2020 at 09:13 AM Author: PENNY EIMS



Red Lake, Minnesota – Thank you to everyone who signed this petition. Your voices were heard! We have been in communication with the Red Lake Tribal Council and Red Lake Police Department, as well as Rosie’s Red Lake Rescue who found the dead puppy. Authorities do not have any leads yet. However, they have all responded and will keep us updated on an investigation. We will of course update all of you!


Join us in demanding that the Red Lake Police Department fully investigates the cruel skinning of a German shepherd puppy!

On March 26, the skin of a seven-month-old German shepherd puppy was discovered on Ponemah highway in Minnesota. Red Lake Rosie’s Rescue wants the Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) to offer a reward to find the person(s) responsible for this heinous crime, but the local police department has not approved the request for a reward. Someone knows something!! This situation needs to be fully investigated and someone needs to be held accountable. Please sign to let the authorities know that animal cruelty must be taken seriously! Read more about the cruelty case here.

* Individuals are presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.

Prior Signatures 1,019