Stop Selling Commercially Bred Puppies At Pet Stores!

Published: February 06, 2020 at 11:18 AM Author: PENNY EIMS

Collier County, Florida – People have increasingly become aware of the horrors that take place at puppy mill operations. Dogs confined to filthy cages, repeatedly bred, and deprived of human companionship, are just a few of the glaring faults with these large scale breeding facilities – not to mention the puppies who are mass produced and often stricken with diseases and genetic defects.

Retail pet stores often source their pets from these cruel breeding operations, which is why many residents in and around Collier County, Florida, are fighting to stop a Petland retail store from opening its doors there. Petland has been the target of several Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) undercover investigations and the findings are disturbing (find one HSUS report here).

Please add your name to this petition to help get this retail outlet stopped. Pet stores should not be supporting puppy mills!

UPDATES: 10/07/2019

We have sent your signatures and a letter to the Board of Commissioners in Collier County.  Please continue to SIGN AND SHARE.

Read our first Letter Here

Read our second Letter Here

There are a multitude of reasons that animal lovers want the opening of Petland to be stopped. Aside from the retail pet stores’ known sourcing of pets from large scale puppy mill operations, is the desire for the huge number of existing homeless, adoptable pets to be placed with families. Tragically, millions of unwanted pets enter shelters nationwide each year and many of them never leave alive because homes cannot be found in time. Meanwhile, commercial breeders continue mass producing pets and profiting from their efforts.

* Individuals are presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.

Prior Signatures 3,283