New Undercover Video Shows Neglect, Filth and Death At Another Dairy Farm 5096 PEOPLE SIGNED THIS PETITION

Published: February 06, 2020 at 09:55 AM Author: PENNY EIMS

Pennsylvania – A new undercover video reveals neglect, filth, and death at a Pennsylvania dairy farm. The damning footage was released by PETA on Friday and the conditions revealed at the Reitz Dairy Farm are shocking. Cows are seen living in piles of feces and urine. Footage shows untreated medical problems, including oozing masses and infected udders. These cows are living in squalor, must they be subjected to suffering from untreated medical problems? Must they be abused by workers? Is their life not miserable enough as it is?


A Donation Has Been Sent to PETA

Update 08/28/2019: The state police investigated and found that the Reitz Dairy Farm owners have not violated animal cruelty laws. We find it difficult to believe, given the damning video and whistleblower complaints, that there is no evidence of cruelty. PETA has stated that the investigation remains “open and active” and we will continue petitioning for further investigation into these troubling allegations.

These dairy cows must be treated humanely – ignoring obvious health issues, including open and oozing wounds, is unacceptable. Dairy cows forced to live in urine, feces and squalor is also not acceptable!

Do these images (screenshots via PETA’s undercover investigation) look as if conditions are “okay?” If you agree that these cows deserve better, please sign the petition and we will present it to officials – letting them know that the public is watching, and that people DO care.

Please join us in asking the Pennsylvania State Police to investigate and charge anyone who is involved in these abhorrent practices at the Reitz Dairy Farm. These cows already give their life to produce milk for humans. They should not be hit or kicked. They should not be living in their own feces. They should not be suffering with untreated injuries and infections.

Please sign and let the authorities know that this is not okay. A full investigation by the authorities must happen and charges must be made against anyone found to be involved in these neglectful conditions.

Click here to watch the PETA undercover investigation.

5096 People Signed this Petition.

Regardless of these photos, an investigation showed no wrong doing by this Farm.

We will continue to fight for our animals until they are given the respect they deserve!

A Donation Has Been Sent to PETA

* Individuals are presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.

Prior Signatures 5,096